Perform Guangzhou: A Course in Intermediate to Advanced Spoken Mandarin.
The second published book in the Perform China Series.
Paperback. 2019. 380 pages.
ISBN 978-0-87415-392-7
The textbook has 8 units, each with 3 stages. Each stage further includes 8sections reflecting different steps in a learning process leading to the acquisition as well as expansion ofnew knowledge and skill. The textbook is accompanied with comprehensive audio materials covering alldialogues, narratives, drills and exercises.
Series Editor: Xiaobin Jian
By: Xiaobin Jian, Xin Zhang, and Zhini Zeng
Foreign Language Publications, 2019. First edition.
Perform Qingdao: A Course in Intermediate to Advanced Spoken Mandarin.
The third published book in the Perform China Series.
ISBN 978-0-87415-396-5
Perform Suzhou: A Course in Intermediate to Advanced Spoken Mandarin.
The first book in the Perform China Series.
ISBN 978-0-87415-383-5