The Community Interpreter Workbook

The Community Interpreter Workbook: For Medical, Educational, and Social Services Interpreters

GTIN: ISBN 978-0-9966517-0-7
Old price: $60.00

By Marjory A. Bancroft, MA, Sofia Garcia-Beyaert, MA, Katharine Allen, Ma, Giovanna Carriero-Contreras, Denis Socarras-Estrada, MA and Hank Dallmann, MA.

Culture and Language Press. 2015

An International Workbook of Activities and Role Plays. Companion workbook to The Community Interpreter: An International Textbook.

The workbook is required with the purchase of the TCI Medical Focus training and can be used independently or as part of a training program for medical, educational, and social services interpreters in universities, colleges or other tranining programs.