The Pedagogy of Performing Another Culture

Bilingual in Chinese and English languages, Edited by Galal Walker
Copyright© 2010

A Pathways to Advanced Skills series, Volume 12

Co-Publishing by National East Asian Languages Resource Center, The Ohio State University and Hubei Education Press, China.

422 pages

GTIN: ISBN 978-7-5351-6208-3
Old price: $26.95

The Pedagogy of Performing Another Culture is a collection of papers which examine theoretical and practical problems encountered in Chinese pedagogy today.

Compared with other works in the same field, the greatest attribute of this book lies in its in-depth discussion of the "Performed Culture" pedagogical approached developed by Dr. Galal Walker at The Ohio State University.

This book is essential towards understanding and application of the Performed Culture approach as well as a foundation for further advancement of pedagogical approaches that use culture as the focal point.