Zhuangzi Bilingual Edition

Bilingual in Modern Chinese and English languages, translated by Minci Li and Victor H. Mair.
Copyright© 2019

736 pages

A Pathways to Advanced Skills series, Volume 15

GTIN: ISBN 978-0-87415-391-0
Old price: $49.95

Zhuangzi: Bilingual Edition heralds the voice and lessons of one of China's masters of philosophy, Zhuangzi (aka Chuang Tzu). This fundamental text of Daoism in China deserves special attention for its deep philosophy and Ancient Chinese wisdom, cloaked in rich anecdotes and fables, and imbued with startling imagery and compelling humor.

Victor H. Mair and Minci Li present the work in both English and Modern Chinese, accompanying the original Classical Chinese version.

This new edition in English is a revision of Mair's work entitled Wandering on the Way: Early Taoist Tales and Parables of Chuang Tzu, published by the University of Hawaii Press, 1994. In this new edition, the Wade-Gale Romanization is carefully rendered as Pinyin, and its layout is paralleled in side-by-side in translation. The bilingual edition will entice both Western and Chinese learners alike.

About the English translator: Victor H. Mair, PhD, is a foremost Sinologist and Professor of Chinese language and literature, University of Pennsylvania.

About the Modern Chinese translator: Minci Li, PhD, is Associate Professor in the Institute of Sinology and the Institute of University History at Beijing Normal University.